

The CLI (Command Line Interface) is the official way to control your Chameleon.

It requires at least Python 3.9 version.


There are multiple ways to install the CLI, depending on your OS.


Windows users have the choice of 4 options:


Using ProxSpace to build the CLI is the easiest and most comfortable way to get started.

  1. Download ProxSpace from the official GitHub

  2. Download 7zip to extract the archive

  3. Install 7zip by double clicking the Installer and clicking Install

  4. Right-click on the downloaded archive and select 7zip -> Unpack to "ProxSpace"

  5. Open a terminal in the proxspace folder. If you are on a new Windows install, you should be able to just right-click and select Open in Terminal. If that option is not visible and the ProxSpace folder is still in your downloads folder, press win+r and type powershell followed by enter. In Powershell now type cd ~/Downloads/ProxSpace

  6. Run the command .\runme64.bat. After successful completion, you should be dropped to the pm3 ~ $ shell.

  7. Clone the Repository by typing git clone

  8. Now go into the newly created folder with cd ChameleonUltra/software/src

  9. Prepare for package installation with pacman-key --init; pacman-key --populate; pacman -S msys2-keyring --noconfirm; pacman-key --refresh

  10. Proceed by installing Ninja with pacman -S ninja --noconfirm

  11. Build the required config by running cmake .

  12. And the binaries with cmake --build .

  13. Go into the script folder with cd ~/ChameleonUltra/software/script/

  14. Install python requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt

  15. Finally run the CLI with python

To use after installing, just do the following:

  1. Run runme64.bat

  2. Go into the script folder with cd ~/ChameleonUltra/software/script/

  3. Run the CLI with python


Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Build Natively

Building natively is a bit more advanced and not recommended for beginners

  1. Download and install Visual Studio Community

  2. On the workload selection screen, choose the Desktop development with C++ workload. Click Download and Install

  3. Download and install git. When asked, add to your path

  4. Download and install cmake. Again, when asked, add to your path

  5. Download and install python. When asked, add to your path (small checkbox in the bottom left). Python 3.9 or above is required.

  6. Choose a suitable location and open a terminal. Clone the repository with git clone

  7. Change into the binaries folder with cd ChameleonUltra/software/src

  8. Build the required config by running cmake .

  9. And the binaries with cmake --build .

  10. Copy the binaries by running cp -r ../bin/Debug/* ../script/

  11. Go into the script folder with cd ../script/

  12. Create a python virtual environment with python -m venv venv

  13. Activate it by running .\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

  14. Install python requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt

  15. Finally run the CLI with python

To run again after installing, just do the following:

  1. Activate venv by running .\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

  2. Run the CLI with python


Requires Homebrew to be installed.

See Linux/Macos instructions below for the rest.

Linux / MacOS

Install the dependencies

Python 3.9 or above is required.

Run the following script to clone the Repository, compile the tools and install Python dependencies in a virtual environment.


git clone
  cd ChameleonUltra/software/src
  mkdir -p out
    cd out
    cmake ..
    cmake --build . --config Release
  cd ChameleonUltra/software/script
  python3 -m venv venv
  source venv/bin/activate
  pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To run the client after installing, do the following:

cd ChameleonUltra/software/script
source venv/bin/activate


When in the CLI, plug in your Chameleon and connect with hw connect. If autodetection fails, get the Serial Port used by your Chameleon and run hw connect -p COM11 (Replace COM11 with your serial port, on Linux it may be /dev/ttyACM0)

MFKEY32v2 walk-through

Make sure to be in the software/ directory and run the Python CLI from there.

# Connect to the CLI
hw connect
# Check which slot can be used
hw slot list
# Change the slot type, here using slot 8 for a MFC 1k emulation
hw slot type -s 8 -t MIFARE_1024
# Init the slot content
hw slot init -s 8 -t MIFARE_1024
# or load an existing dump and set UID and anticollision data,
# cf 'hf mf eload' and 'hf mf econfig'
# Enable the slot
hw slot enable -s 8 --hf
# Change to the new slot
hw slot change -s 8
# Activate the authentication logs
hf mf econfig --enable-log

Now disconnect, go to a reader and swipe it a few times

Come back

# connect to the CLI
hw connect
# See if nonces were collected. We need 2 nonces per key to recover
hf mf elog
# Recover the key(s) based on the collected nonces
hf mf elog --decrypt
# Clean the logged detection nonces
hf mf econfig --disable-log

Output example:

 - MF1 detection log count = 6, start download.
 - Download done (144bytes), start parse and decrypt
 - Detection log for uid [DEADBEEF]
  > Block 0 detect log decrypting...
  > Block 1 detect log decrypting...
  > Result ---------------------------
  > Block 0, A key result: ['a0a1a2a3a4a5', 'aabbccddeeff']
  > Block 1, A key result: ['010203040506']

More examples coming soon