
Protocol description


Global firmware+CLI versions are following the semantic versioning logic mostly regarding the protocol version, so third party clients (GUIs, mobile apps, SDKs) can rely on firmware version to know their level of compatibility.

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, we will increment the:

Besides compatibility with a given firmware version, third party clients may choose to offer to the users the possibility to follow a stable release channel (installing only tagged releases) or the development channel (installing latest commits).

For the stable channel, a client compatible with versions X.y.z can accept any version > X.y’.z’ but should refuse to work with a version X’>X.

For the development channel, a client compatible with versions X.y.z can accept any latest commit unless a tag X’.0.0 with X’>X is present in the repo, indicating that the corresponding commit and all the commits above are incompatible with the client version. There is still a non negligible risk that breaking changes are pushed while forgetting about putting a new tag, or artefacts being built before the tag being pushed. Here be dragons… It’s always a good practice for the client to validate whatever data is transmitted by the firmware, and fail gracefully in case of hiccups.


When GET_GIT_VERSION returns only a tag and no commit hash info (on a release tag), one can query the corresponding hash with the GitHub API, e.g.


Frame format

The communication between the firmware and the client is made of frames structured as follows:


Data payloads

Each command and response have their own payload formats.

Standard response status is STATUS_SUCCESS for general commands, STATUS_HF_TAG_OK for HF commands and STATUS_LF_TAG_OK for LF commands. See Guidelines for more info.

Beware, slots in protocol count from 0 to 7 (and from 1 to 8 in the CLI…).

In the following list, “CLI” refers to one typical CLI command using the described protocol command. But it’s not a 1:1 match, there can be other protocol commands used by the CLI command and there can be other CLI commands using the same protocol command…


Notes: the returned string is the output of git describe --abbrev=7 --dirty --always --tags --match "v*.*" so, depending on the status of the repo it can be

Notes: wait about 5 seconds after wake-up, before querying the battery status, else the device won’t be able to give a proper measure and will return zeroes.



New data payloads: guidelines for developers

If you need to define new payloads for new commands, try to follow these guidelines.

Guideline: Verbose and explicit

Be verbose, explicit and reuse conventions, in order to enhance code maintainability and understandability for the other contributors

Guideline: Structs

Room for improvement